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Join Us For The . . . 

# 75 Day Hard Challenge

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Ready to take your health to the next level? We can help you develop a customized nutrition program or you can work with our natural weight loss clinic.

Speak with our Registered Holistic Nutritionist today!

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For 75 Days . . .

Tag us @vitality_wellness_ AND @naturessunshinecanada AND @bodysmartfit in your #sweatyselfie post on Instagram / Facebook


  • Drink 2-4L of [Kangen] water a day (other liquids don’t count)

  • Post your #sweatyselfie or your #movementselfie after your two DAILY 45 minute workouts (or your 90 minute workout)

  • Eat clean - High protein and veggies

  • Read for 15 minutes each day - exercise your mind!

  • Prioritize sleep

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Here's How to Win Big

10 Tags = Free Iridology - Yours Eyes Tell a Story About Your Health ($75 dollar value)

25 Tags = Free Blood Analysis or Hormonal & Toxic Body Scan ($100 Value)

50 Tags = Free Full Health Assessment ($400 Value)

75 Tags = Free Full Health Assessment AND Supplement Package ($600 value)


Phase 1 Group - Everyone who starts in August (Strong Summers)

Phase 2 Group - Everyone who starts in September (Fall-ing into Fitness)

Note: Proof of tags will be checked - don't cheat YOURSELF of the benefits of the #75daychallenge. Your first tag date is Day 1 / 75

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Mobility Challenged Workout

#sweatitout every day


Month 1 - Sauna / hot tub, up to 10 minutes, 3 times a day (be sure you are listening to your body and its limits)

Month 2 - Half Sauna, half movement - whatever that movement is (walking the dog, cleaning the house etc.)

Month 3 - Progress your movement - talk to a @bodysmartfit trainer to get a Functional Movement Screen, try a Level Method assessment - increase the movement intensity - make it challenging but still doable!



Make sure you replenish with Kangen water (drink 2-4 litres/day or 1 litre / 50lbs of body weight) AND boost your electrolytes (Solstic Energy or Magnesium from Nature’s Sunshine - talk to our practitioner if you have any questions)

Nature's Sunshine Gift Package

[First 3 People with 75 Tags win this package. After that it's a surprise!]

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