Causes of Estrogen Dominance
High body fat and/or sedentary lifestyle
Lack of sleep
Overloaded liver
Microbes in the colon, especially candida
Tap water

Signs of Estrogen Dominance
Bloating, constipation
Increased blood pressure & water retention
Irritability, mood swings, depression
Hypoglycemia & sugar cravings
Inflammation, increased allergies
Migraines / breast tenderness
Weight gain
Combatting Estrogen Dominance: Diet
Eating whole, unprocessed organic plant & animal products including complete proteins
A high fiber diet
Avoid coffee, tea, caffeine, stimulants, carbonated beverages
Avoid sugar, alcohol, & artificial sweeteners
Consume lots of water but not from plastic bottles
Avoid trans and hydrogenated fats

Combatting Estrogen Dominance: Lifestyle
Do not microwave foods in plastic containers / wrap
Use natural cleaning agents / soap / cosmetics
Consider an alternative to the pill as a contraceptive
Get ample sleep
Reduce stress & practice stress management
Maintain consistent exercise (moving your body is key!)
Avoid cigarette smoke and pollutants
Assess thyroid hormone levels